Support package

These classes range from common to very obscure.

PrettyRecordFactory makes beautiful aligned log messages.

import logging
from import *
logger = logging.getLogger("myproject")
log_factory = PrettyRecordFactory(7, 13, 5).modifying(logger)

Output from an analysis might then be…

[20191228:14:20:06] kale>    datasets      :77    INFO    | Downloading QC-DR...
[20191228:14:21:01] kale>    __init__      :185   NOTICE  | Downloaded QC-DR with 8 runs, 85 names, and 768 wells.
[20191229:14:26:04] kale>    __init__      :202   INFO    | Registered new type RandomForestClassifier:n_jobs=4,n_estimators=8000

TomlData is a wrapper around toml dict data.